Sunday, 26 April 2009

My Japanese things

now it is 22:58 pm
after hour I'll finish :'(


Blog Learn Japanese

Group 1Japanese [+] Basic Language

Group2 Japanese Language Learning

Group 3 Japanese Language Study Materials

1リットルの涙 1 liter of tears

Introductory Japanese

Cool Phrases in Japanese

Read Free Manga Online

Backstage Prince <--- didn't ead it yet كتاب A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar


Sudoku Dragon

Denshi Jisho — Online Japanese dictionary

Kanji Sudoku - learning Japanese while solving Sudoku Puzzles

Browse Profiles
Bloggers with a location of Japan.

Japanese Name Translation


Fuji TV

Japanese Vocabulary: List vocabulary

Learn to Speak Japanese: 5-Star Books

KeyHoleTV: Watch Live Japanese TV Online!



Learn Japanese Online ' talk soshi

عبـارات مفيـدة باللغة اليابانية

فــهــرس مــواضيــع مــنــتــدى الــلغــة الـيـابــانــيــة ' MSOMS

برامج خاصة باللغة اليابانية (للتحميــــــــــــــــــــــــل)

هل تحب معرفة كل شي على اليابانين بدون استثناء (تفضل بالدخول)

تحويل الأفعال - وصفات الـ い形 إلى اسم

مواقع مفيدة لتعلم اليابانيه

الأوريغامي .... Origami )... فن طي الورق +تعلمه في موضزعنا هذا

^^ copy and prent arabic site

Ask :- wondering of this

My things

I arrange the links In my Favorite in dif files :

Drama ---- >sites for Watching Drama Online
Profiles -----> some prfiles from wikipedia I love read about famouse ppls from wikipedia
Microsoft Websites ---> sites for MSN and Microsoft
Collections ----> some sites for sif subjects
Blogs ---> more than 24 blogs that I collected year ago then I stop
Japanese ----->> I will put the sites here
English ---> don't know I have this file only one site :^)
FaceBook ----> only save three pages Barack Obama , Yamashita's note that I try my best to read it , I'm not his fan but I like read others daily simple life or how they are thinking specially if I know them even a lil

My Things ---- > some of my account or blogs .
Work ---> sites related to work

there are other sites but free nout under any file coz wana find it directly ;ole yoga site

and I feel in Everytime OMG I stop open it or it has been long time and wana clean my favorite but without removed these links of put them in any memory like houndreds of sites gon with the wind throw last seven years

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

New look

yah it doesn't that new
but I wana change when I chose the green colour before
however most of my blogs like this (a)

there is alot of thing that I enjoy while I was try to learn or descover what is the new about japan
and japanese
day by day inshalla I will put what I can put
and I'll try my best


Omg I can't believe it
that I can open veoh again:'( <-- happiness tears

I found a site that let me open veoh
yah it doesn't like the normal veoh but it is ok

I love this site coz I can watch anything westers or asian
movies , showes , anime or drama
thousends of videos there

if any wana the site that help I will send it
will not put it here maybe they will block it
then I will kill them :@

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Back to J Drama

last summer
I just use internet to downloads tens of japanese drama and movies
just watched two American movie :^)

so last months just watch some of them
some not that good
maybe best drama I watch was Akihaibra@ Deep
in everywhere I talk about it
not as usual story scools or love stories

movies I watched movies for Arashi band I don't like any of them maybe Nino's movie better
I like his Drama

yesterday I back to Detective Conan by watching Eps 520-524
now watched first Ep Mei-chan no Shitsuji

alot of japnese news throw last months

yah by the way
my teacher who gave me English lessons in Summer' Nina '
she also loves japanese
she can speak japanese very well I bought from her a book Minna no Nihongo
Translation and Grammer Note

also From jareer I bought books
but best book which from internet

so Thanks to my Prenter which hepl me so much
